Inner Guidance

In addition to my creative work, I have decieded to start offering guidance sessions and readings, as I feel called to guide others who are also curious to look deeper inside.

The guidance that I offer is best seen as something to support the bringing forth of your own knowing. Your soul already knows. My role is mainly to provide a playful space where that which you already know can be brought closer to the surface, so that it becomes accessible to you.

On this page you can see what type of guidance I am offering at this time. If you scroll down, you can find more information about my approach. If it resonates with you, feel free to book a session or reading.

With Love,

My Guidance Approach

My guidance is based partly on my life experience, and partly on the pedagogical knowledge that I learned when working as a teacher, but mostly my guidance is inspired by my own journey of (re)connecting with the inner world, and learning to trust my inner wisdom. As I have found deep meaning in the inner realms, I now want to guide others who are curious to look deeper inside as well.

Threshold Knowledge

Threshold knowledge describes the way that accessing new knowledge can result in the walking over a threshold, or opening of a portal into a new way of perceiving the world and our place in it. Through this new view point, the world view of a person may be transformed.

The idea of these sessions is to create a space where you are can test out different ways of perceiving your life, either through discussion, active imagination excercises, or when a reading presents statements that prompt you to encounter previously hidden perspectives. This deeper sense of self-awareness may well result in you stepping through a transformative portal, into a new way of experiencing yourself and the way you relate to the world.

Storytelling & Active Imagination

I am deeply inspired by Jungian concepts, such as individuation; the fascinating connections between collective archetypes, myths and stories; and the approach of active imagination in accessing wisdom from the inner world.

In my guidance sessions, we use the approaches of storytelling and active imagining to (re)connect with your inner knowing.

Restrained Teaching

Restrained teaching is an approach where the teacher takes a step back in order to allow for the learner’s own process to take center stage.

In my guidance sessions, my role is mainly to provide a space that supports learning. I do function as a guide in aiding the learning process, and in helping to channel what comes through, but the intention is that your own access to your own knowing is what is brought to the forefront. In chart or card readings, the statements presented by cards or charts should therefore mainly be used as a tool for connecting to your own impressions and reflecting on what they bring up in you.